If this is your first installation of EnterAct, it will work fine wherever you put it. But to avoid having to specify a <system> folder for each EnterAct project you should put EnterAct and some associated files/folders next to your main compiler. And you'll probably want access to QuickView or THINK Reference. For details, please see the "What goes where" section below.
(If you are upgrading to 3.7, you'll want EnterAct itself, the EnterAct 3 manual and EnterAct in brief, the Drag_on Modules folder and hAWK User's Manual, and the new file "EnterAct Code Templates"--place it beside EnterAct. Minimal App7 has also been upgraded to run hAWK programs via command lines--see "About Minimal App7". The file "EnterAct's Special Keys" tries to bring all mysterious key commands together.)
When you use EnterAct, it will need about two more Megabytes on your hard disk for its log file, and each project you create will need 1-5 Meg (depending on how many files you
EnterAct's default partition is now 7 Meg. For small projects you might get away with 2 Meg.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"EnterAct stuff" contents:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
EnterAct 3 (application)
Drag_on Modules:
hAWK (CODE resource)
Read Resource (CODE resource)
hAWK programs: (many programs in several folders)
EnterAct Code Templates
Minimal App7 (application)
(EnterAct Scripts): (some compiled AppleScripts)
EnterAct in brief
EnterAct 3 Manual
EnterAct's Special Keys
EnterAct's magic clipboard
Advanced EnterAct Tweaking
EnterAct Memory Needs
hAWK User’s Manual
Debugging hAWK programs
About Minimal App7
Read Resource Manual
Rd me EnterAct 3
If this is an upgrade
Installing EnterAct 3/tt (this document)
hAWK project:
AWK Source:
AWK Headers:
Read Res project:
Read_Res Source:
Read_Res Headers:
Minimal App7 ƒ: (source and project)
code to call Drag_ons:
write your own Drag_on:
(note a : above indicates a folder)
- - - - - - - - - - -
What goes where
- - - - - - - - - - -
In brief: wherever you put EnterAct, also put:
-the "Drag_on Modules" folder
-the "(EnterAct Scripts)" folder
-the "EnterAct Code Templates" text file
-and make a "(Tools)" folder with contents as described
below for reference access.
-you might also want "Minimal App7".
EnterAct likes to distinguish between system headers
and source (eg toolbox headers, library source and headers)
and the files that belong to a particular project. Files within
the same folder that contains EnterAct count as <system>
files, and those located elsewhere are "project" files.
In general, decide which files you want to count as
system files, and place EnterAct at the top level of
the folder that contains those files (typically, they
will be in subfolders). If you have alternate versions
of some headers, try to place EnterAct low enough
in your folder hierarchy that only one set of the
alternates is contained within EnterAct's folder.
If you can't do that, don't worry, just place EnterAct
at the top level of the folder on your hard disk that
contains the toolbox headers etc you wish to use.
For Symantec users, that would be the same folder
that contains your THINK Project manager, at the
same level. For CodeWarrior, drop EnterAct into the
"Metrowerks C/C++ ƒ" folder so it ends up beside
the "MW C/C++ ..." compiler. For MPW, place EnterAct
beside the MPW Shell.
(Whenever you create a new project, a dialog will ask you
to select a <system> folder. If the folder that contains
EnterAct is the right one (ie it contains the appropriate
toolbox headers) then you can just cancel the dialog.
Otherwise, you should select the folder that contains
the appropriate compiler for your project.)
After placing EnterAct itself, put the "Drag_on Modules"
folder right beside it. (Optional) put the "Minimal App7" application
right beside it as well. Minimal App comes with
source code, showing how you can call Drag_on Modules
from your own app (source code is in "Minimal App7 ƒ" on
disk 1). This source code is used in the "Whirlwind tour"
section of the manual (but you can use your own source if
you prefer).
The "(EnterAct Scripts)" folder should also go beside EnterAct itself.
And also the "EnterAct Code Templates" text file.
To access THINK Reference or Toolbox Assistant from EnterAct:
have a folder named "Tools" or "(Tools)" in the same folder as
EnterAct, at the same level, and drop aliases of THINK Reference
and/or QuickView into it. There are separate commands under
EnterAct's "Search" menu to access these. You can access both
during the same session of course.
Placement of the remaining files is entirely up to you,
no harm just leaving them in the "EnterAct stuff" folder.
You will probably want all of the manuals for reference,
especially the EnterAct and hAWK manuals, so don't trash
them just yet. The manuals are best viewed with EnterAct
itself, since you won't see the illustrations with other
editors. To make life simpler, when you create an
EnterAct project use the "Add Files..." command to add
the EnterAct manual and any others to your project.
Manuals and other non-code documents appear in the
rightmost pane of your project window, available with
a double-click.
"hAWK_notes.h" is a reference file for hAWK, containing notes on
hAWK that can be quickly accessed from within an EnterAct
project. More about notes in the "lookup tips" chapter in the EnterAct
Also included, projects and complete source for hAWK and
Read Resource, as well as Minimal App 7. hAWK and Minimal App
are provided with CodeWarrior projects, and Read Resource comes
with a THINK C project.
- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
When you start up EnterAct, check under the "EnterAct" menu, and
you will see "hAWK" and "Read Resource" listed at the bottom if
things have ended up in the right places. Wherever you put
EnterAct, you should put the complete "Drag_on Modules" folder